How To Survive Pizza Night If You Have Diabetes


If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, you are probably confused as to what you can and cannot eat. You know to avoid sweets and sugars and that you need to limit your carbohydrate intake. This may have you wondering what to do about pizza night. Because of the fat in the cheese and the protein in the meat, eating pizza often does not show any spike in your blood sugar level for several hours. This can leave you wondering when to take any medications or how much insulin you need to keep things at a normal level. You may decide to forego the pizza and eat something safer. However, eventually, you are going to want to have some. Here are a few tips that will help you the next time the family is clamoring for pizza delivery.

Plan Ahead

If you know that you will be ordering pizza that night, make sure to keep your carbohydrate intake to an absolute minimum that day. Monitor your blood sugar level and make sure to take your medications as scheduled. Be prepared to adjust your insulin amount to compensate for any fluctuations.

Smart Toppings

To limit the amount of carbs and to keep your blood sugar from spiking, be picky on what you order. Go with a thin crust, ask for light cheese, and go easy on the meat. This will reduce the carbs and also keep the fat in the cheese and meat from affecting how you digest them. Go ahead and order all the veggie toppings you want to add to the flavor and texture. If the rest of the family wants a thick crust, extra cheese, and lots of meat, order yourself a small pie that will not be as dangerous to you.

Don't Overindulge

One of the best things you can do is limit yourself to one slice. Order a side salad to help fill you up. If you had to order your own pie, put one slice on your plate and then wrap and freeze the rest for the next pizza night.

The first couple of times you have pizza, be sure to monitor your blood sugar for 8 or 9 hours after you eat. If you notice a spike you can go and do some exercise to help lower it. Of course, you may also need to take extra insulin to get things back to normal. After a few pizza nights, you will know what to expect and can be better prepared. 


13 December 2016

Understanding The Key To A Restaurant's Success

Running a restaurant can be incredibly overwhelming, especially since owners have to worry about everything from handling employees to going through and dealing with vendor problems. About a year ago, I decided to start talking with more restaurant owners about how they ran their businesses so that I could gain some valuable insights into improving my own operation. It was difficult at first, but after a little while, I felt like I was really starting to understand some of the deeper concepts. Check out this blog to find out more information about improving your restaurant. I know that you won't be disappointed.