
Tips For Making Your Restaurant's Chicken Taste Great


Whether you own the restaurant or you are the chef in charge of creating the menu, fried chicken is always a big hit with customers. Your goal is to make sure that your chicken tastes the best it can taste and that your restaurant stands out from the other places in town that offer fried chicken. The better your food is, the more likely it is that people will continue to come back to your restaurant time and time again.

13 May 2022

Instrumental Tips For Opening Up A Waterfront Seafood Restaurant


If you have a passion for making seafood, starting your restaurant may have crossed your mind. You'll get to serve unique dishes to those who're also passionate about seafood. If you want to open up a waterfront establishment in particular, here are some secrets you'll want to remember.  Find the Right Waterfront Location One of the most important aspects of opening up a waterfront seafood restaurant is the location. People will go to your establishment a lot of times because of its close location to a body of water, and you thus need to carefully decide what location makes the most sense.

3 February 2022

Reasons To Choose A Local Restaurant Over A Chain


In most cities, you have a selection of locally-owned restaurants and also some chain restaurants. Now, chains definitely have their place. They provide a consistent experience across the board, and they really cater to customers seeking something familiar. But if consistency is not your top priority, you're often better off dining at a locally-owned restaurant. Here are the benefits of doing so. Your money supports the local economy. Chain restaurants are operated by large companies.

16 November 2021

3 Stainless Steel Sinks to Use in Your Restaurant


Sinks are integral to the smooth operation of any restaurant. When you're setting up your restaurant kitchen, it's important to evaluate the many different sinks that are on the market so that you can decide which ones to buy. Space permitting, you'll want to have a few sinks available for your kitchen staff to use. Kitchens need to operate efficiently, and having just one sink can create delays as chefs and cooks wait to use it for various purposes.

25 August 2021

Ways To Encourage Customers To Order More Pizza


Do you have pizza on your restaurant menu, but barely ever have customers order it? Maybe you want more of them to order the pizza because you want to go through the ingredients faster and because pizza is easy for the kitchen staff to make. How can you encourage customers to order more pizza? Here are a few tactics to try. 1. Move it to the front of the menu.

26 May 2021

Two Mac And Cheese Dishes That Are Full Entrees


Macaroni and cheese dishes are often seen as a side and not as an entire entree. But all you really need to do is add a few extra ingredients to the dish, and you can have a full entree to enjoy for dinner. Really, you can add whatever you like — chicken, broccoli, onion, or any number of other ingredients. However, it is nice to have a starting point. Here are two mac and cheese entree options you may want to consider.

17 February 2021

What To Expect Your First Time Eating At A Hibachi Restaurant


Eating at a hibachi restaurant is quite different from dining at a standard American restaurant or even at the average sushi bar. The first time you go, you might feel a little apprehensive and unsure of yourself. However, if you have a better idea of what to expect, you will be able to relax, enjoy the fun, and fully experience the food and cooking show. Expect to sit with other guests.

3 November 2020

Running an Organic Restaurant Profitably


Restaurants in general run on a pretty small profit margin. Add the complexity of serving only organic food to the mix, and you have yourself quite the challenge. It is possible to run an organic restaurant profitably, but you will need to be very careful, very thoughtful, and ready to adapt at a moment's notice. Here are a few tips to help you along. 1. Choose ingredients that don't spoil readily.

14 July 2020

5 Etiquette Rules To Follow In An Italian Restaurant


Dining in an Italian restaurant is sure to be a delicious experience. But like any cuisine, Italian cuisine does come with its own set of etiquette rules and guidelines that can be traced back to its national origins. If you want to have the most authentic dining experience and also avoid offending any staff or fellow diners, then it's a good idea to adhere to these etiquette rules during your visit.

29 April 2020

Three Wines To Pair With Your Favorite Italian Pasta Dishes


If you're like many people, one of your favorite things to do on a night out is to visit an Italian restaurant and order a nice plate of your favorite pasta dish. However, although you're probably aware that choosing the right wine to enjoy with a meal can make good food even better, you probably also know that the wrong wine can cause flavors to clash in an unpleasant manner, and you may be struggling with how to choose the right wine to pair with pasta.

25 February 2020